Just found this site while looking for Schneeberg on Google Earth. I was stationed there 1953 and 1954. My outfit was the 9473 TU SIGNAL SERVICE TEAM. My MOS was 1840 ( countermeasure search and analysis operator). The mission of the site at the time was secret, but I guess by now its not. There were no computers, the equipment was primitive and heavy, especially in the field. We were not concerned with low frequency (voice) only the high end of spectrum. All radar, telemetry all pulse emissions. We were not connected to any local outfits our info etc. was sent in crypt to Heidelberg then to DC. A unit of about 30 guys that really worked well together. We worked all of the hills close to the Czech and E. German borders. The compound was guarded by ex German soldiers (CG) civilian guards. We had 6 Dobermans, 1 Shepard and a dog called TEDDY.....who lived inside with us.....the other dogs feared him. The place was heated with coal, which we handled. Some of us bunked in 2 Jamesways (baby Quonset huts, bricket stoves). I'm attaching the only pictures I could find, scanned them and reduced their file size. If anybody knows anything about '53,'54 Schneeberg I'd give any to be able to here from themBill Taylor |
2 ton coal.jpg
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Bisch. visit.jpg
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Bish 2.jpg
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Bish 3.jpg
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bottom rd up hill.jpg
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Casual dress.jpg
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chris sutter.jpg
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CO me.jpg
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dinning rm one.jpg
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dinning rm two.jpg
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Dobra Crew.jpg
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Ex German soldier (CG).jpg
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farmers daughter.jpg
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Field Trip.jpg
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gen shed.jpg
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Hill 1.jpg
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Hill 2.jpg
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Hill 5.jpg
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hobby shop.jpg
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main gate .jpg
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mobile ops van.jpg
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motor pool.jpg
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OPs From tower.jpg
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orig. billets beds.jpg
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PM Ski.jpg
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road up hill.jpg
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Schneeberg road.jpg
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softball team.jpg
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Spring cleaning.jpg
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Weasel in Bisch enhance.jpg
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